Back to the Book Fair: A Radical Summer Reading Program (SCLA Continuing Education)
Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Category: Events
During Charleston County Public Library's Summer Reading program, Dorchester Road Library Children's staff embraced the "Reading is Radical" Summer Reading program theme by recreating the joy of school book fairs without the price tag. Staff will share how they leveraged community partnerships, professional networks, and fellow staff members to bring free books and nostalgic prizes to patrons of all ages.
Intended Audience: Public Library Staff
Presenter Bio's
Kristin Hare is a Children’s Services Manager at Charleston County Public Library. She currently serves as the interim Chair of the South Carolina Library Association’s Rainbow Round Table. Kristin holds a B.A. in English and a Master’s in Library and Information Science from University of South Carolina. In her spare time, you'll find her baking with her son, thrifting, and chasing her waffle stealing cats.
Ga hah stwi is a Children's Librarian at Charleston County Public Library. She is from the Onondaga Nation in Central New York. Ga hah stwi received her Bachelor's degree and MLIS from Syracuse University. Her work experience before librarianship is almost exclusively in early childhood education. If she's not reading you can find her trying to learn a new crafting hobby (unsuccessfully) or spending time with friends.
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